St. John's Anglican Church is a Parish of the Anglican Province of America, part of 85 million Christians worldwide who call themselves Anglican. We trace our roots to the teachings of Jesus Christ and the ministry of the Church of the Apostles and proclaim that unchanging faith.
We are a community of faithful believers that believe and profess the gospel of Jesus Christ in the living tradition of the traditional Anglican Church. Our spirituality is rooted in scripture, prayer, evangelism, the celebration of the Eucharist, and sharing in the sacramental life of the Church. Our theology and liturgical language are anchored in the Holy Bible and the 1928 Book of Common Prayer.
We believe in the authority of the Bible, and that salvation is possible only through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. In worship, we use the traditional Anglican Liturgy contained in the 1928 Book of Common Prayer, which includes readings and Psalms from the Bible, as well as prayers and affirmations of faith that date from the beginning of Christianity.
The congregation actively participates in the mass. We express our devotion to our Lord by kneeling when we pray, sitting when lessons and Psalms are read from the Bible, and when we receive the Sermon. We stand when hearing the Gospel and when singing hymns of praise to our Lord.
We are a community of believers with varying backgrounds, interests, and experiences, but in Jesus Christ, we are made one body. We welcome visitors by showing forth God's gracious invitation to taste and see that the Lord is good.
Please feel free to contact our parish office or one of our clergy should you desire more information.